UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024
Social Investment Deal of the Year

Sponsored by Better Society Capital.
Social investment plays a vital role in helping the social enterprise sector expand and develop. This Award recognises organisations that have been part of a great investment deal in the last 12 months that has helped the social enterprise to grow or the movement as a whole to develop and flourish. Find out which deals made the shortlist below:
Barking & Dagenham Giving/The Boathouse Barking CIC
The GROW Fund is BD Giving’s flagship fund for social enterprises in Barking and Dagenham providing a £25,000 grant and business support. The Boathouse Barking CIC, a multi-purpose events space, was a
recipient and used it to upgrade facilities to increase revenue from commercial event hires so more artists can access space and host community events. The GROW Fund is a 100% community-led fund
demonstrating impact on local decision-makers, recipients of the fund and users of The Boathouse. @bdgivinguk @theboathousestudios

Big Issue Invest/Lightning Reach
Big Issue Invest is the Big Issue Group’s social impact investment arm. It invests in social enterprises, social-purpose businesses and charities creating core solutions to end poverty in the UK. Founded by entrepreneurs John Bird and Nigel Kershaw, from the Big Issue Group, it is one of the leaders in social impact investing. Lightning Reach is a financial support portal which makes it easy for people to find and apply for a wide range of personalised support (i.e. grants, benefits, and help with bills) in one place. In May 2023, it received an investment of £1million from Big Issue Invest and UnLtd’s Growth Impact Fund – a fund that targets its support at diverse-led, early-stage social enterprises with a vision for tackling inequality in the UK. @bigissueinvest @lightningreach

Great Western Credit Union/Fair4All Finance
Great Western Credit Union partnered with Ethex and managed to raise £980,000 from retail investors
which was match funded by Fair4All Finance. This funding is used to improve and grow the access to fair and affordable financial services in the South West especially for low income households and people in vulnerable circumstances. This was the first retail raise by a community finance provider which inspired two other organisations to follow and many more to consider this route. @greatwesterncu @Fair4AllFinance

Impact Finance Consulting/ARK Resettlement Services
£700k social investment to ARK Resettlement Services provided by Social Investment Business Flexible
Finance Fund (£170k grant and £180k unsecured loan), and Trust for London (£350k secured loan) with the support of its advisor, Impact Finance Consulting. The deal has enabled ARKRS to secure its first repayable finance, and acquire a property to offer accommodation to more people on probation. @ark_resettlement_services

British Land/Impact Hub London
Impact Hub London secured a transformative deal with British Land who provided £3.5m of CAPEX and managed the Cat-A/B fit-out for a 10,650 sqft affordable workspace in Regent’s Place. Repayment for CatB and peppercorn rent with a profit share arrangement enabled what would otherwise have been
unaffordable. Not only did this secure a world-class space for inclusive innovation in Camden, with free
memberships for underserved residents, but built aligned interests and a true collaboration to enable
community and global impact. @impacthublondon @britishlandplc

Arts & Culture Impact Fund/Music Venue Properties
A £1m secured loan from the Arts & Culture Impact Fund has enabled Music Venue Properties to launch a pioneering initiative bringing grassroots music venues into community ownership – protecting their vital contributions to their local neighbourhoods and to the UK’s music industry as a whole. @musicvenueproperties