UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024
Public Services Social Enterprise of the Year

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Social enterprises are often on the frontline of delivering innovative ways to deliver the services we rely on. This award is for a social enterprise for whom the majority of their income comes from the public sector and which delivers public services (for central or local government, NHS, criminal justice or other statutory body). Find out who made the shortlist below:
CDS CIC brings dental care to people who cannot be treated in general dental practice; its patients
typically have learning disabilities, mental ill health or very severe anxiety. They may be in situations or
locations that traditional dental services cannot reach such as homelessness centres or secure settings. It is also contracted to provide oral health improvement and epidemiology programmes. CDS’s social purpose is to enable the communities it supports to enjoy a better quality of life. @CDS_CIC

Family Fund Business Services
Family Fund Business Services (FFBS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Fund, a national charity supporting families of disabled and seriously ill children. FFBS is a grant administration service, which enables clients such as local authorities to distribute welfare support to those in need across the UK. FFBS gift 100% of profits to Family Fund, having generated over £15 million since 2013. As Family Fund’s largest source of unrestricted funding, FFBS help sustain the vital work of the charity. @FF_Business

Mastercall Healthcare
Mastercall Healthcare is an award winning social enterprise organisation providing a range of ‘out of
hospital’ healthcare NHS services across the North-West of England and nationwide. It is rated ‘Good with Outstanding for Caring’ by the Care Quality Commission. With over 28 years’ experience as an innovative, highly performing, social enterprise organisation, it is passionate about providing the very best patient care at the very best place for the patient. @MastercallH

SH:24 is a multi-award-winning digital sexual health service partnering with the NHS to provide online sexual and reproductive health services across the UK. SH:24 offers STI testing, contraception, and photo diagnosis, and was rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. The service has significantly increased access to sexual health services and received accolades such as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise and The Guardian Public Service Awards. A not-for-profit, SH:24 focuses on social good, innovation, and sustainable growth. @SH24_NHS

Simon Community Scotland
Simon Community Scotland has focused on responding to the causes and consequences of homelessness. It is a community of staff, volunteers and people who are homeless that combine to reach, respond and resolve the challenges and circumstances people find themselves in. Its ambition is that everyone has a safe place to live and the support they need. In any given year, Simon Community Scotland supports over 7000 people with 300 staff, 140 volunteers and over 70 partners across Scotland working with people living on the street, temporary accommodation and in their own homes. @simoncommscot

Social Interest Group
Social Interest Group (SIG) is a leading national charity that provides person-centred health and social care services through its member subsidiaries: SIG Equinox, SIG Safe Ground, SIG Penrose, SIG Housing Trust, and SIG Pathways to Independence. SIG’s purpose is to develop innovative solutions to bridge local health and social care gaps for people facing complex disadvantages. Through every interaction, program, and initiative, it provides diverse opportunities for employment, training, and education, addressing social value, health, and economic disparities. @socialinterestgroup

Turning Point
Turning Point is one of the UK’s leading health and social care providers. From detox treatment to
supported living, its services help people tackle substance use and mental health issues, and those with
learning disabilities lead independent lives.