Social Enterprise UK’s response to the Budget
Our response to the Labour Government’s first Budget
Our response to the Labour Government’s first Budget
Following our successful campaign for social enterprises to be included in the NHS pay deal, which won central government funding last year, we’re launching a new programme to support our members working in health and social care. Social enterprises deliver more than £1bn of vital NHS care across the country, while reinvesting any profits in … Continued
City Health Care Partnership’s (CHCP) annual patient and colleague surveys show a clear link between happy staff and happy patients.
Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and representative bodies from across the healthcare sector have written to the Heath Secretary reiterating the need for central funding to ensure the new NHS pay deal includes the many social enterprise staff delivering NHS services.
Despite their contribution, many staff working within social enterprises are not eligible for the recently negotiated NHS pay rise despite working on the same terms and conditions as set out under the Agenda for Change framework.
Over the last decade the social care sector in England has seen unprecedented demand coupled with funding cuts and workforce recruitment and retention challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic added more pressure to already stretched social care systems. Recent research at the University of Birmingham has been exploring the contribution of social enterprises to the adult social … Continued
NAViGO are an award-winning social enterprise that provides mental health services across North East Lincolnshire in the south of the Yorkshire and Humber region, covering acute and community facilities as well as specialist services such as an older adult’s inpatients services, rehabilitation and recovery services, perinatal mental health support and a specialist eating disorder facility. … Continued
Find out how a Salford social enterprise is transforming how a community can address health inequalities