Social Value 2032

Social Value Leaders’ Summit 2025

Towards mission-driven procurement systems

Our Social Value Leaders’ Summit on Wednesday 26 March in central London, brings together senior leaders and decision-makers from across the public, private and social enterprise sectors to discuss, debate and shape the future of social value.

With the Procurement Act now live and the new National Procurement Statement (NPPS) giving social value an important role in the contracting process, this year will see the biggest changes to how government spends its money in a generation. The NPPS calls on public bodies to “maximise procurement spend with VCSEs (voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations)” and the Summit will look in depth at how these organisations can drive growth and deliver transformative change on a local and national level.

Programme and speakers

Our keynote speakers have both been instrumental in the passing of the Act. Georgia Gould MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Cabinet Office, will be delivering an interactive session with the opportunity to ask questions and Gareth Rhys-Williams the Chair of National Highways and former UK Government Chief Commercial Officer will set out a vision of how procurement can deliver a fairer, greener and stronger economy. 

Photos of Gareth Rhys Williams and Georgia Gould

There’ll also be mix of insightful panel discussions featuring cross-sector speakers focusing on:

  • The role of VCSEs in delivering mission-driven procurement
  • How social value can deliver economic growth
  • Improving public services
  • Tackling regional inequalities

In between discussions, there will be interactive roundtables looking in more depth at what mission-driven procurement means and whether the new procurement landscape represents an evolution of the established system or a revolution.

View the full programme

The Summit is an invite-only event for leaders in the social value space. If you’re looking to increase the positive social and environmental impact of the goods and services you procure, or are a VCSE with a track record of social value delivery you can express your interest in attending by filling out this form.

The Summit forms part of our Social Value 2032 programme and is supported by our Partners: Anthony Collins, Jacobs and PwC. This ambitious project looks at how we can embed social value across all public sector procurement and influence the spending of the UK’s largest companies. If you are interested to know more about the partnership or Summit sponsorship please contact

logos from the Social Value 2032 partners