Fact sheets
Want the key headlines on our vibrant social enterprise movement? Get all the top-line information you need using our social enterprise fact sheets.

The UK headline facts
The executive summary of our State of Social Enterprise report 2023 contains the latest key statistics on the scale and impact of our sector across the UK.
It shows a growing sector that is not only profitable and productive but truly pioneering. We estimate that there are 131,000 social enterprises across the country, representing almost one in 42 of all UK businesses – and we find they are not only helping people and planet but also boosting our economy, turning over around £78 billion and re-investing £1 billion in profit into their vital missions.

The regional distinctions
These factsheets detail the key regional findings from our latest State of Social Enterprise research – the most comprehensive national study of sector trends and issues. Click the links below to read more about the state of social enterprise in:

Working conditions in social enterprise
This factsheet contains the key findings from our report published in partnership with the Living Wage Foundation, which looks into the quality of employment created by social enterprises compared to the wider business community. From recruitment to paying the real Living Wage it shows just why social enterprises represent business at its best when it comes to work, finding that social enterprise employers are more likely to pay better, offer training, involve employees in organisational decision-making, and retain staff.