Public Services Hub
VCSE Contract Readiness Programme

Delivered by the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE), Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and Voice4Change England, and funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) – the VCSE Contract Readiness Programme‘s objective is to enable greater participation of charities and social enterprises (otherwise known as Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations) in public service procurement.
The VCSE Pathway
The VCSE pathway is the primary part of the programme. It offers charities and social enterprises a range of webinars, short and long courses to help them understand the public procurement process and provide them with support to better compete for public sector contracts.
Upcoming courses and webinars can be found on the SSE website
The Commissioner Pathway
The commissioner pathway offers a range of support for public sector commissioners to help them understand the charity and social enterprise sector and how best to work with them.
Social Enterprise UK are leading on the commissioner engagement stream of the programme. This will involve working with government at a strategic and departmental level to make it easier for government to engage with VCSE suppliers. At a strategic level, this work will include:
- Working with Contracts Finder/Find a Tender on enriching the VCSE data held by government.
- Driving engagement with government platforms/tenders from a wider range of VCSEs.
- Building a Champions network of commissioners to help them to drive the agenda forward.
At a departmental level, SEUK will also be:
- Benchmarking departmental spend with VCSEs by using SEUK’s datasets to help departments. understand how much they’re spending with VCSEs and how they can do more.
- Engaging staff through a series of “Demystifying the VCSE sector” webinars.
- Driving new relationships through a series of targeted meet the buyer events working with relevant VCSE suppliers for specific departmental/category level spend.
SEUK are working closely with DCMS to drive all of the above activity with the relevant areas of government. If you work for a department and would like to engage with the programme or find our more please email the DCMS public sector commissioning team at