Sign the open letter to support Professor Muhammad Yunus

Our Chair, Lord Victor Adebowale CBE, has written to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and to the leader of the Labour Party, Kier Starmer, urging them both to help bring justice for Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate and founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.
Professor Yunus is a true hero to the social enterprise movement, both in the UK and around the world. His work has inspired millions, showing how enterprise can fight poverty, how business can be a force for good, and how finance can serve society. In August this year, 188 global leaders – including over 100 Nobel laureates, Barack Obama, and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – signed an urgent letter calling on the government of Bangladesh under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to stop the “continuous judicial harassment” of Yunus and end his persecution. We encourage our members, friends and supporters of social enterprises everywhere to consider adding their names to the open letter, also signed by our Chief Executive Peter Holbrook.
Click here to read the open letter
To sign the letter you will need to email
More information about the campaign to protect Professor Yunus can be found here.