Our Social Value story: Siemens UK

By Dietmar Harteveld – Chief Procurement Officer at Siemens UK
Technology companies make a big difference to millions of people, because the products we develop – from security systems to trains, leveraging data sources at university campuses and even household appliances – directly impact on people’s everyday lives. Doing business in a sustainable way is crucial to us, and by creating more energy-efficient products and services, we can not only save our customers money, but enable them to reduce their carbon footprint, too.
At Siemens UK we know that there is much more we can do to work towards our sustainability goals by working closely with partners across our supply chains; this is why we are proud to be supporting the Social Value 2032 programme.
Our work on social value is being led by the Supply Chain Management team, and every member of the team is playing a pivotal role. In a company as large and multi-faceted as Siemens, we know that we can have massive impact if we put our efforts in the right places – that’s why in Supply Chain Management, we know we need to act now. As a function, we have the potential to make huge positive impact on society and the world around us, just by changing the way we work.
At Siemens, we deployed the DEGREE framework (De-carbonization, Ethics, Governance, Resource efficiency, Equity and Employability) across the whole of the organisation back in 2021 as a way to approach sustainability. This umbrella framework gives the different parts of the business the freedom to apply principles of sustainability and social value in ways that are appropriate to their operations and location, while all working together towards a common framework.
By partnering with Social Enterprise UK, Siemens has already introduced around 65 Social Enterprises into our supply chain and had a positive impact on over 2,000 lives in the UK and internationally. Working with such agile organisations has also brought about innovation, commercial savings (over 10%) and helped Siemens win new business, all while still delivering quality and price.
It’s also proving highly motivating for our team: Tony Saleh, our Supply Chain Sustainability Lead, has been working in Procurement for 30 years but tells me this is the best job he’s ever had, and most members of the team are actively driving social value in each of their commodities. It has created an appetite to influence our European colleagues to onboard social enterprises. One of our targets is to help improve the lives of at least 14,000 people, the equivalent number to our Siemens UK workforce.
We’re excited at the world of possibilities available to do more with our purchasing spend, which totals £2billion across our UK businesses, and over 10,000 suppliers,.
Engagement with social enterprises has not stopped at the door of Siemens; thanks to our influence, many of our strategic suppliers are now including social enterprises as part of their supply chain, too. After hearing about our engagement with Change Please, the coffee provider, our Tier 1 Facilities Management Provider, EMCOR, have also adopted Change Please to roll out across their client base.
So, I think at Siemens UK, we’re providing a good example of what large companies can achieve in social value. We’re working to embed social enterprises across the supply chain and ensure that making decisions with sustainability in mind becomes business as usual. By building on and strengthening our supplier relationships, we are making a big impact on our employees, our company, and the world around us.
You can find out more about the Social Value 2032 programme here

Social Value 2032 partners