Campaign continues for NHS pay deal to include social enterprise healthcare staff

Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and representative bodies from across the healthcare sector have written to the Heath Secretary reiterating the need for central funding to ensure the new NHS pay deal includes the many social enterprise staff delivering NHS services.
A crucial part of the NHS family, social enterprises deliver over £1bn of services and employ many thousands of staff while reinvesting any profits in communities. Despite this huge contribution, the Government has not included social enterprises in a new NHS ‘backlog bonus’ being awarded to recognise the intense pressures on these vital staff.
Earlier this year, the Health Secretary promised a pay uplift for “all staff” on ‘Agenda for Change’ contracts – but his Department has still not found this money for those working in social enterprises under the same contractual terms and conditions. Without central funding to cover the uplift, thousands of social enterprise healthcare providers around the country will struggle to retain staff and sustain critical services.
This week’s letter builds on SEUK’s campaigning alongside healthcare members for Government funding to include social enterprises in the NHS pay deal. The letter warns the Health Secretary that he risks “treating many thousands of staff unfairly when they are just as skilled, committed and essential to the provision of NHS services as those employed by other providers”, creating “inequity of services and a two-tier healthcare workforce”.
SEUK signed the letter alongside the British Dietetic Association, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Podiatry, UNISON and UNITE.
Peter Holbrook CBE, chief executive of Social Enterprise UK, commented: “We expect the Department of Health to take urgent steps to solve this – as they did previously in 2018 – before staff, services and patients are adversely affected. The Government must deliver on the Health Secretary’s words.”
Click here to read the full letter
If you agree that social enterprises delivering vital NHS services should be included in the new pay deal, please sign this petition and join over 17,000 of us calling for urgent Government action.