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Get to know the Social, Cooperative and Community Economy All-Party Parliamentary Group

What is it, who’s in it and what will they do? Everything you need to know is here.
What is the APPG?
The Social, Cooperative and Community Economy All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has been created to increase understanding and support of diverse, mission-led business models (social enterprises, co-ops, mutuals, employee-owned and community business etc).
As the name suggests, it will work to address issues important to building a more inclusive economy and try to influence legislative change so that diverse mission-led businesses can reach their potential.
APPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.
Social Enterprise UK provides the Secretariat for the APPG. We assist the chair and officers of the group with APPG administration including meetings and AGMs, develop and deliver work plans, and manage communications for members and stakeholders.
Who’s in it?
Chair of the group is Patrick Hurley, the first Labour MP for Southport. Patrick previously worked as a councillor for Liverpool City Council for 12 years and ran the city’s Social Enterprise Network.
Vice-Chair Baroness Thornton, one of the founders of Social Enterprise UK, is a long-standing social enterprise and cooperative expert who worked in the Department of Health and Social Care when Gordon Brown was PM and now sits in the House of Lords.
The group also has two officers – Josh Babarinde, Liberal Democrat MP for Eastbourne, who formerly ran the social enterprise Cracked It, and Conservative The Lord Balfe, a former Political Secretary of the Woolwich Arsenal Co-operative Society who served in the European Parliament.
A growing number of parliamentarians have joined and expressed interest in the group and wish to be kept informed of its progress. You can find a full list here.
What will they do?
In addition to arranging visits for APPG members to meet social enterprises, coops and community businesses, the group will run two inquiries over the coming months.
The first will look at how Labour’s manifesto commitment to grow diverse business models, such as social enterprises and coops, is being delivered, exploring past and planned government activity and the wider context for growth in terms of capitalisation, routes to market and ecosystem support.
A second inquiry will explore public services provision and the role for social, cooperative and community business within it.
The APPG will also host a Parliamentary reception in June, as part of work to raise awareness in Westminster of the work and contributions of social, cooperative and community business.
If you’d like more information, please email