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Celia Hodson honoured with OBE for services to promoting period dignity

Celia Hodson, the visionary founder of Hey Girls CIC and the PickupMyPeriod App, has been awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for her remarkable contributions to promoting period dignity and raising awareness of free period products in Scotland. This prestigious honour was announced as part of the King’s Birthday Honours List in June 2024, recognising Celia’s tireless dedication to social enterprise and charitable initiatives.

Celia Hodson has been a pioneering force in the movement for period dignity. Hey Girls CIC, established under her leadership, has become a beacon for tackling period poverty and promoting menstrual health education. The organisation’s innovative “buy one, donate one” model has ensured that for every product sold, another is donated to someone in need, positively impacting countless lives across the UK.

Additionally, Hodson’s brainchild, the My Period App, has revolutionised access to free period products. The app helps users locate nearby sources of free menstrual products, thus removing barriers for those who struggle to afford these essential items.

Celia’s achievements extend beyond her entrepreneurial ventures. She was named the National Great British Entrepreneur of the Year and has received numerous leadership awards for her relentless commitment to social justice and community well-being. Her work has not only addressed an often-overlooked issue but has also inspired a broader conversation about period dignity and gender equality in the workplace.

Upon receiving news of her OBE, Celia Hodson expressed her heartfelt gratitude: “I am deeply honoured and humbled to receive this recognition. This award is a testament to the incredible support and collaboration from my team at Hey Girls, our Community Partners and our customers, and the users and advocates of the My Period app. Together, we are making strides toward a world where period poverty is a thing of the past, and menstrual health is a fundamental right for all.”

The OBE is a fitting acknowledgment of Celia’s unwavering dedication and innovative approach to promoting period dignity and raising awareness of free period products. Her work continues to pave the way for future generations, ensuring that period products are accessible to everyone, and sparking vital conversations about menstrual equity.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Harriet Brooks, Marketing Manager

About Hey Girls CIC

Hey Girls CIC is a Scottish social enterprise dedicated to eliminating period poverty in the UK. Through their unique “buy one, donate one” model, Hey Girls provided 40 million sustainable period products and menstrual health education to those in need.

About My Period App

My Period is Charity with a groundbreaking app designed to help users locate free period products in their vicinity. The PickupMyPeriod app aims to ensure that everyone has access to essential menstrual products across the UK, regardless of their financial situation.