Find out more about social enterprise, their impact and how they represent a better way to do business.
From joining us as a member to using your own spending power to support social enterprises, find out how you can join the social enterprise movement.
Find out more about our work building the evidence base for the sector and pushing for policy change.
"As a small Oxford-based craft brewery and hospitality organisation, Tap Social Movement has greatly benefited from being part of Social Enterprise UK's vibrant community of like-minded businesses. It's a constant source of inspiration and motivation."
Tess Taylor, Tap Social Movement
Join in the movement and become a certified social enterprise. We are here to amplify your voice.
As the voice of our members, we champion social enterprise with government, industry, and the public to create an environment where your business can thrive. Over the last 20 years we have:
Find out more about our social enterprise certification process.
Our membership fees are based on your turnover. If your turnover is under £100,000 then you can join our community free of charge! Paying membership starts at £205. Larger social enterprises receive some additional member benefits from access to specialist support networks to more opportunities to profile your business across our policy, research and market building work.
Verify your social enterprise status and enhance your brand, helping you win new business and stand out from the crowd. Our social enterprise accreditation badge enables you to communicate your social and environmental impact to your clients with every business transaction. By becoming a certified social enterprise member, you will also receive People and Planet First verification.
Be part of our movement and benefit from our campaigning and lobbying work to influence the policy agenda and legislation and shape the business environment to work in favour of social enterprises and the needs of your business.
Gain access to our thriving community of over 2,000 businesses and organisations. Connect directly with your peers and other business leaders, exchange ideas and good practice examples, ask for support and expert insights. Access free business resources, training, professional advice and funding opportunities to save you time and monetary resources and help your business flourish.
Tap into new markets and accelerate your business growth through new partnerships within B2B, B2C and public sector markets. List your business on our Social Enterprise Directory and join our eBay for Change programme to boost your visibility and reach new audiences.
Contribute to providing important evidence in our lobbying work for the future of social enterprise. Stay ahead of the curve with our robust research data, looking into the key trends and issues affecting social enterprises. Make evidence-led decisions to help you plan and strategically future-proof your business.
Connect to your peers locally through our Social Enterprise Places network. Attend free in-person member networking events and benefit from discounted access to our flagship events, including the UK Social Enterprise Awards.
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