Case studies for VCSEs
RIFT Social Enterprise
RIFT Social Enterprise is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that delivers self-employment services across the UK, with its main focus being on a 12-month one-to-one support for people interested in working for themselves. Its vision is to be the leading provider of self-employment support for marginalised people, and its mission is to empower participants to achieve sustainable self-employment and raise awareness that this is a viable option for many. The business has been trading for seven years, delivering a series of courses and webinars beyond its main support programme as well as accredited workbooks. From a team of two, it’s grown to 15 staff members, and in the last year alone supported more than a thousand people on their journey to self-employment. Working to support those in the criminal justice system For the first four years of RIFT Social Enterprise’s existence, the government department it’s worked with most has been His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). It has delivered services via the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the prison service and through CFO3 (Co-funding Organisation Round 3), which supported people with convictions to overcome barriers to education and employment. This funding ended in July 2024, but the social enterprise has been onboarded by the majority of prime providers delivering the programme's next iteration, CFOE. Two years ago, RIFT Social Enterprise diversified its services and started delivering for the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Restart Scheme. This works with people who have been long-term unemployed, giving them specialist tools and support to get back into the job market. The scheme is primarily contracted out to a series of prime organisations, such as Maximus and Ingeus, and RIFT Social Enterprise currently delivers for 20 different Restart providers all across the country. What are the benefits to government of working with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (VCSEs)? RIFT Social Enterprise’s chief executive Andy Gullick emphasises the additional value that comes through partnering with organisations dedicated to creating a positive social or environmental impact: “Social enterprises have social value at their core. The work that we do is founded in doing it for the right reasons, and profits have to be reinvested back into the business for the greater good of the work we’re doing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s only going to lead to long term benefits for the participants, the local community, and that government contract as a whole.” What tips do you have for other VCSEs looking to work with government? Andy recommends trying to secure contracts with key performance targets, rather than spot purchase arrangements, as this offers a much more stable source of revenue: “When we secured our first contract on the CFO3 provision across the prison service, the fact that we knew we were guaranteed that revenue every month for two years gave us the financial stability to be able to build and look to the future. Yes, we had some tough targets to meet and to evidence, but we knew exactly where we were. At the moment a lot of our contracts are on spot purchase arrangements, so we don’t know from one month to the next how many referrals we’re going to get in and how many successful outcomes we’re going to be able to draw down funding for. See if you can persuade the contracting body or prime to put you on a fixed-term contract with a guaranteed minimum revenue stream every month. It certainly was the building block for us to be able to continue with our growth.” Another top tip is to “network, network, network – get your name out there, go to as many events as you can, get your pitch deck in order and get it done professionally”. One big piece of advice given to Andy when it comes to promoting your business to a contracting organisation is to make sure you focus on the specific issues you can address and how you can work with them to deliver the solutions needed, rather than on broadly talking about what you do: “When talking about promoting your business to primes and to government organisations, start off with the problem you’re going to solve as opposed to what a lot of people do which is saying who we are, what we do, how great we are then at the end talking about the problem. Turn it on its head, go to the prime and tell them - this is a problem I’ve identified that you could potentially face with this contract and this is how we can support you to resolve it.” Based on a conversation with Andy Gullick, Chief Executive at RIFT Social Enterprise riftse.co.uk
4 min