Buy from social enterprises on eBay for Change
Find social enterprises selling quality consumer products on the eBay for Change platform

Find social enterprise products
eBay for Change is a programme designed to accelerate the growth of the retail social enterprise sector in the UK, providing an exciting opportunity for social and fair trade enterprises looking to grow their business online and social impact. Led by Social Enterprise UK in partnership with eBay and The World Fair Trade Organization the programme launched in May 2021 and so far 150 social enterprises have taken part in the programme.
Customers can choose from a huge range of products – from rice to bikes, from lip balm to underwear and everything in between, all sourced from social enterprises. In doing so shoppers can use their spending power to support businesses trading for people and planet.

Get your social enterprise on the platform
Being listed on eBay for Change opens up your social enterprise to eBay’s estimated 29 million UK customers. Participating social enterprises go through a three-month training programme to help them thrive in e-commerce, a fee free virtual shopfront as part of the eBay for Change hub on and support with marketing and promotion.
It’s free to take part so if you’re a social enterprise with a retail product you can find out more and apply to become part of eBay for Change via the dedicated landing page