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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Education, Training & Jobs Social Enterprise of the Year

Sponsored by BDO. For a social enterprise in the education, training or employment sectors that can demonstrate excellence in vision and strategic direction, and clearly evidence their social, environmental and community impact. Find out more about the impactful social enterprises who have made the shortlist below: Change Please CIC Change Please is an innovative social enterprise revolutionising the approach to tackling homelessnessthrough its holistic programs. By training individuals experiencing homelessness as baristas and providing them with essential support services, Change Please creates pathways to stable employment and housing. Its "Driving for Change" initiative repurposes buses to deliver comprehensive health, social and employment services across London. Partnering with organisations like Colgate and HSBC, ChangePlease supports thousands annually and champions social change through impactful scalable solutions. @changeplease Cockpit Cockpit is London’s centre for excellence in contemporary craft and home to 175+ independent creative businesses. For over 30 years, it has nurtured and supported craftspeople at all stages of their careers and opened pathways into creative employment for young people from all backgrounds. As the UK’s only business incubator for craft, its provides funded studio space and in-house business coaching, enabling makers to thrive and become leaders in their fields. Cockpit is where careers in craft are made. @cockpitstudios Money A+E Money A+E is a social enterprise transforming lives through money advice and education. It promotes diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice, empowering disadvantaged groups, diverse ethnic communities, and young people to achieve financial stability. Its initiatives include the Racial Justice in Finance project, consultancy services, and the Grow Your Own project. Rooted in lived experience, the team ensures services are relevant and impactful, significantly reducing poverty and fostering inclusive financial systems. @moneyaande The Dusty Knuckle Bakery The Dusty Knuckle is a prestigious bakery and café in London. It uses its busy, seven day operation to train young people facing barriers to becoming independent adults. This centres largely on young offenders, care leavers and those in insecure accommodation. Through the training they take stepstowards fulfilment, employment and independent living. @thedustyknuckle WYK Digital WYK Digital is revolutionising access to tech careers in the UK. Founded in 2020, this social enterprise ensures "What You Know" outweighs "who you know" in the digital sector. Through free 10-week courses combining skills training with real-world projects, WYK empowers young people from diverse backgrounds to secure well-paying tech jobs. With over 600 lives transformed and impressive employment outcomes, WYK is changing the face of the digital industry. @wykdigital  

27 Sep

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Public Services Social Enterprise of the Year

Sponsored by GLL. Social enterprises are often on the frontline of delivering innovative ways to deliver the services we rely on. This award is for a social enterprise for whom the majority of their income comes from the public sector and which delivers public services (for central or local government, NHS, criminal justice or other statutory body). Find out who made the shortlist below: CDS CIC CDS CIC brings dental care to people who cannot be treated in general dental practice; its patientstypically have learning disabilities, mental ill health or very severe anxiety. They may be in situations orlocations that traditional dental services cannot reach such as homelessness centres or secure settings. It is also contracted to provide oral health improvement and epidemiology programmes. CDS's social purpose is to enable the communities it supports to enjoy a better quality of life. @CDS_CIC Family Fund Business Services Family Fund Business Services (FFBS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Fund, a national charity supporting families of disabled and seriously ill children. FFBS is a grant administration service, which enables clients such as local authorities to distribute welfare support to those in need across the UK. FFBS gift 100% of profits to Family Fund, having generated over £15 million since 2013. As Family Fund’s largest source of unrestricted funding, FFBS help sustain the vital work of the charity. @FF_Business Mastercall Healthcare Mastercall Healthcare is an award winning social enterprise organisation providing a range of ‘out ofhospital’ healthcare NHS services across the North-West of England and nationwide. It is rated ‘Good with Outstanding for Caring’ by the Care Quality Commission. With over 28 years’ experience as an innovative, highly performing, social enterprise organisation, it is passionate about providing the very best patient care at the very best place for the patient. @MastercallH SH:24 CIC SH:24 is a multi-award-winning digital sexual health service partnering with the NHS to provide online sexual and reproductive health services across the UK. SH:24 offers STI testing, contraception, and photo diagnosis, and was rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. The service has significantly increased access to sexual health services and received accolades such as The Queen's Awards for Enterprise and The Guardian Public Service Awards. A not-for-profit, SH:24 focuses on social good, innovation, and sustainable growth. @SH24_NHS Simon Community Scotland Simon Community Scotland has focused on responding to the causes and consequences of homelessness. It is a community of staff, volunteers and people who are homeless that combine to reach, respond and resolve the challenges and circumstances people find themselves in. Its ambition is that everyone has a safe place to live and the support they need. In any given year, Simon Community Scotland supports over 7000 people with 300 staff, 140 volunteers and over 70 partners across Scotland working with people living on the street, temporary accommodation and in their own homes. @simoncommscot Social Interest Group Social Interest Group (SIG) is a leading national charity that provides person-centred health and social care services through its member subsidiaries: SIG Equinox, SIG Safe Ground, SIG Penrose, SIG Housing Trust, and SIG Pathways to Independence. SIG’s purpose is to develop innovative solutions to bridge local health and social care gaps for people facing complex disadvantages. Through every interaction, program, and initiative, it provides diverse opportunities for employment, training, and education, addressing social value, health, and economic disparities. @socialinterestgroup Turning Point Turning Point is one of the UK’s leading health and social care providers. From detox treatment tosupported living, its services help people tackle substance use and mental health issues, and those withlearning disabilities lead independent lives.

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Social Investment Deal of the Year

Sponsored by Better Society Capital. Social investment plays a vital role in helping the social enterprise sector expand and develop. This Award recognises organisations that have been part of a great investment deal in the last 12 months that has helped the social enterprise to grow or the movement as a whole to develop and flourish. Find out which deals made the shortlist below: Barking & Dagenham Giving/The Boathouse Barking CIC The GROW Fund is BD Giving's flagship fund for social enterprises in Barking and Dagenham providing a £25,000 grant and business support. The Boathouse Barking CIC, a multi-purpose events space, was arecipient and used it to upgrade facilities to increase revenue from commercial event hires so more artists can access space and host community events. The GROW Fund is a 100% community-led funddemonstrating impact on local decision-makers, recipients of the fund and users of The Boathouse. @bdgivinguk @theboathousestudios Big Issue Invest/Lightning Reach Big Issue Invest is the Big Issue Group’s social impact investment arm. It invests in social enterprises, social-purpose businesses and charities creating core solutions to end poverty in the UK. Founded by entrepreneurs John Bird and Nigel Kershaw, from the Big Issue Group, it is one of the leaders in social impact investing. Lightning Reach is a financial support portal which makes it easy for people to find and apply for a wide range of personalised support (i.e. grants, benefits, and help with bills) in one place. In May 2023, it received an investment of £1million from Big Issue Invest and UnLtd’s Growth Impact Fund – a fund that targets its support at diverse-led, early-stage social enterprises with a vision for tackling inequality in the UK. @bigissueinvest @lightningreach Great Western Credit Union/Fair4All Finance Great Western Credit Union partnered with Ethex and managed to raise £980,000 from retail investorswhich was match funded by Fair4All Finance. This funding is used to improve and grow the access to fair and affordable financial services in the South West especially for low income households and people in vulnerable circumstances. This was the first retail raise by a community finance provider which inspired two other organisations to follow and many more to consider this route. @greatwesterncu @Fair4AllFinance Impact Finance Consulting/ARK Resettlement Services £700k social investment to ARK Resettlement Services provided by Social Investment Business FlexibleFinance Fund (£170k grant and £180k unsecured loan), and Trust for London (£350k secured loan) with the support of its advisor, Impact Finance Consulting. The deal has enabled ARKRS to secure its first repayable finance, and acquire a property to offer accommodation to more people on probation. @ark_resettlement_services British Land/Impact Hub London Impact Hub London secured a transformative deal with British Land who provided £3.5m of CAPEX and managed the Cat-A/B fit-out for a 10,650 sqft affordable workspace in Regent’s Place. Repayment for CatB and peppercorn rent with a profit share arrangement enabled what would otherwise have beenunaffordable. Not only did this secure a world-class space for inclusive innovation in Camden, with freememberships for underserved residents, but built aligned interests and a true collaboration to enablecommunity and global impact. @impacthublondon @britishlandplc Arts & Culture Impact Fund/Music Venue Properties A £1m secured loan from the Arts & Culture Impact Fund has enabled Music Venue Properties to launch a pioneering initiative bringing grassroots music venues into community ownership - protecting their vital contributions to their local neighbourhoods and to the UK’s music industry as a whole. @musicvenueproperties

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Prove It: Social Impact

Sponsored by Linklaters. An ability to effectively measure and communicate impact is vital for social enterprises, being used to evidence the difference they are making and also to attract additional funding and support. This award recognises a social enterprise that can truly demonstrate and communicate their impact with their stakeholders. Read on to find out who has made the shortlist: Breadwinners Breadwinners is a not-for-profit social enterprise that provides artisan organic bread and pastries while supporting refugees through employment and work experience programmes. By operating market stalls and a wholesale model, it gives refugees jobs and creates a community of customers, socially responsible partners, and producers that promotes the integration of newly arrived individuals into the UK. All while offering the best sourdoughs, natural levains, and organic pastries! @wearebreadwinners Goldfinger Goldfinger designs and crafts timeless furniture and homeware from locally-sourced and reclaimed materials. It is an award-winning social enterprise working for the good of people and planet. Goldfinger’s craftsmanship is a central feature of the latest restaurant at the Tate Modern, Thomas Heatherwick’s new offices in King’s Cross and both Inhabit Hotels in West London. Goldfinger's artisans also design and craft bespoke furniture for private residents, often in collaboration with celebrated interior designers and architects. Hey Girls CIC Hey Girls exemplifies the principles of a leading social enterprise by addressing a critical social issue, promoting environmental sustainability, fostering community engagement, and committing to the professional development and equality of its team. It is a social enterprise with an innovative model, substantial impact on social equity and education, impressive business growth, and dedication to its team’s growth and inclusivity. @heygirlsuk Moneyline Moneyline, is a community development finance institution, with over two decades of community lending expertise. It offers small cash loans to the lowest 20% income households in the UK, those most excluded from mainstream financial services. Moneyline's mission is to offer essential and appropriate financial services to low-income households, reducing barriers to credit access; whilst acting as a line of defence against loan sharks. Moneyline is a Community Benefit Society, a member of Responsible Finance and a Living Wage employer. @moneyline_uk Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise CIC PDSE is committed to improving oral health in the Southwest through the provision of treatment, education and engagement with communities. Its unique model brings together dental education, high-quality patient care and community outreach to deliver demonstrable social impact. Its clinics were established to tackle oral health inequalities in underserved areas and to address the lack of availability of dental care, treating patients who may not otherwise have access to a dentist. The Skill Mill The Skill Mill is a social enterprise providing real jobs for young people exiting the youth justice system supporting their transformation and rehabilitation through the delivery of environmental improvement services in the local community. The young people receive on-the-job training and qualifications and support to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to enter the wider labour market. Partnerships with corporate organisations and local and central government ensure that the work carried out is meaningful and rewarding. @theskillmill Ravine Market Garden (The Advantage Foundation) Ravine Market Garden, a social enterprise by The Advantage Foundation Ltd, is dedicated to empowering young people facing mental health challenges through meaningful work, skills development, and nature-based activities. Located in South Belfast, Ravine has established itself as a transformative presence, creating a safe, supportive environment where young individuals can engage in horticulture, conservation, and environmental stewardship. The enterprise operates on social enterprise principles, reinvesting 100% of its profits to ensure continuous growth and support for its mission. By intertwining social and environmental goals, Ravine aims to build confidence, resilience, and employability in its participants, while promoting community engagement and social value. @theravineproject

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

International Impact

Sponsored by Zurich Insurance Group. Social enterprises are part of a global movement, making the vision behind the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. This award is for a social enterprise working internationally, and which is having a big impact in their field. This award is open to UK-based organisations only with existing international operations. auticon UK First established in Germany in 2008, auticon now operates in 15 countries across three continents making it the largest majority-autistic business in the world. Leading by example, it continues to address the inequalities in employment for neurodivergent adults, highlighting the benefits of hiring neurodivergent talent and helping other organisations to follow suit. auticon is challenging outdated assumptions on who can and can’t contribute to a workplace. @auticon_uk Finance Earth Finance Earth is an employee-owned social enterprise with a mission to scale up funding into natureconservation, climate, and communities. Current investment to tackle the twin crises of climate changeand biodiversity loss falls billions of pounds short of what is required. Finance Earth works with leadingenvironmental charities, governments, and businesses to secure investment in projects that deliver realsocial and environmental impact. This year, Finance Earth facilitated the UK’s biggest ever transfer ofenergy assets into community ownership. IDEMS International CIC IDEMS builds open technology and digital public goods for social impact, delivering services in partnership with local organisations to build equity in the place of exclusion. An international team working globally, it has developed not only cultural competences to identify analytic methods from new perspectives, but also a collaborative approach to delivery that can be as transformative as what is actually delivered. This approach, and the values on which it is based, are codified in its organisational principles. Stand4Socks 16 hours. That's the average amount of time spent wearing socks every day, yet socks are typically dull, poorly made, and standardized. Despite existing since ancient Egyptian times, there's been very littleinnovation…until now. Stand4 Socks is the direct-to-consumer challenger brand in the sock market. Thebusiness has spent years developing socks that have enhanced comfort and durability without sacrificing style or ethics. For every pair of socks sold, means a donated pair to someone in need. @stand4socks Tea People Tea People is a speciality tea focused social enterprise. Its vision is to eliminate poverty in tea growingregions of the world. It procures, curates and sells a wide range of high quality whole-leaf tea and herbalinfusions many of which have won the prestigious Great Taste Awards. Tea People tea is sold to consumers and businesses in eco-friendly packaging and is available in loose leaf form and in pyramid teabags which are 100% plastic free. @teapeopleltd The Burnt Chef Project CIC The Burnt Chef Project is a global not-for-profit dedicated to improving mental health within the hospitality industry. It provides comprehensive education, accessible therapy services, and pioneering research to support hospitality professionals. Initiatives include stigma-busting merchandise, free e-learning programs, a podcast, workshops, and free therapy across multiple continents. The Burnt Chef Project collaborates with international organisations using creative campaigns to raise awareness, promote a healthier, more supportive working environment and advocate for sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. @theburntchefproject

27 Sep

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Consumer Facing Social Enterprise of the Year

Sponsored by The Company Shop Group. Social enterprises are selling quality products on our high streets and online, selling gifts which give back. This award recognises a social enterprise that delivers a retail product or service to the general public. Find out which pioneering consumer facing social enterprises have made our shortlist below: Nemi Teas NEMI Teas is a London-based specialist tea company that offers Organic tea blends as loose tea and in plastic-free, compostable teabags. The company is a strong believer in creating positive change through business and provides employment to refugees to help them better integrate in the UK. It provides training and employment to refugees which allows them to gain local work experience, boost their English skills, regain confidence and work on the hospitality skills required to enter the UK job market. @nemiteas Stand4Socks 16 hours. That's the average amount of time spent wearing socks every day, yet socks are typically dull, poorly made, and standardized. Despite existing since ancient Egyptian times, there's been very littleinnovation…until now. Stand4 Socks is the direct-to-consumer challenger brand in the sock market. Thebusiness has spent years developing socks that have enhanced comfort and durability without sacrificing style or ethics. Every pair of socks sold, means a donated pair to someone in need. @stand4socks Tap Social Movement Oxford-based Tap Social Movement is an independent social enterprise, craft brewery, and hospitality organisation that provides training and employment opportunities for prisoners and prison leavers. It believes that everyone benefits when no one is excluded from the job market, and to date has created more than 85,000 of paid, meaningful employment for leavers. It runs four Oxfordshire community venues, including Proof Social Bakehouse, named by The Telegraph Food as one of the 13 best bakeries in Britain. @tapsocialmovement Tea People Tea People is a speciality tea focused social enterprise. Its vision is to eliminate poverty in tea growingregions of the world. It procures, curates and sells a wide range of high quality whole-leaf tea and herbalinfusions many of which have won the prestigious Great Taste Awards. Tea People tea is sold to consumers and businesses in eco-friendly packaging and is available in loose leaf form and in pyramid teabags which are 100% plastic free. @teapeopleltd The Dusty Knuckle Bakery The Dusty Knuckle is a prestigious bakery and café in London. It uses its busy, seven day operation to train young people facing barriers to becoming independent adults. This centres largely on young offenders, care leavers and those in insecure accommodation. Through the training they take steps towards fulfilment, employment and independent living. @thedustyknuckle Zaytoun CIC Zaytoun CIC is a social enterprise inspired by a love of Palestinian culture, communities and cuisine and a passion for sharing it with people in the UK. For twenty years the company has supported Palestinian producers through fairly trading their produce – 100% of profits being reinvested into delivering this mission. Palestinian farmers have been cultivating their lands for thousands of years and continue to do so despite the challenges of farming under occupation in the West Bank. @zaytoun_cic

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

Community-Based Social Enterprise

Sponsored by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Social enterprises are often found at the heart of their communities - creating wealth, jobs and opportunities for the areas in which they work. This award is for a social enterprise that trades for the benefit of their community, making a real local impact. Find out who has made our shortlist below: Breadwinners Breadwinners is a not-for-profit social enterprise that provides artisan organic bread and pastries while supporting refugees through employment and work experience programmes. By operating market stalls and a wholesale model, it gives refugees jobs and creates a community of customers, socially responsible partners, and producers that promotes the integration of newly arrived individuals into the UK. All while offering the best sourdoughs, natural levains, and organic pastries! @wearebreadwinners CAIS Social Enterprises and St Giles Cymru CAIS Social Enterprises (CSE) is the well-established trading subsidiary of Adferiad. To maximise the social impact achieved in the community, CSE actively collaborates with community groups and works in partnership with like-minded organisations, to develop and deliver innovative projects. An example of this is St Giles Trust, a charity whose mission is ‘to see a society where everybody – no matter what their background – has a positive future’. This partnership has led to the successful roll out of St Giles’ first Welsh social supermarket - Y Pantri in Station Court. Since opening in June 2023, Y Pantri has supported 453 people (to March 2024) to access healthy and nutritious food; this equates to 34,938 meals. @adferiad @st_giles_trust Esports Youth Club CIC Esports Youth Club (EYC) is a pioneering social enterprise, empowering marginalised young people through gaming and esports. With hubs in Lambeth and Lewisham, EYC offers engaging activities that develop social skills, teamwork, and career opportunities in the gaming industry. EYC’s innovative approach prepares young people for a changing future of work and enhances inclusion, addressing gaps in access left by mainstream education and created by systemic inequities. It creates pathways to high-demand skills and helps break cycles of poverty. @esportsyouthclub Homebaked Bakery Described by Frank Cotterell Boyce as ‘a social enterprise that was once just a very good pie shop , is now a portal to a vision for a better world’. Homebaked Bakery is community-owned, occupying a 100-year-old Anfield bakery building saved from demolition. Open daily, providing a safe space for the community to gather, to purchase quality affordable food, train and volunteer. Employing local people, spending locally it is a beacon on a boarded up high street. @Homebakedbakery_ Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise CIC PDSE is committed to improving oral health in the Southwest through the provision of treatment, education and engagement with communities. Its unique model brings together dental education, high-quality patient care and community outreach to deliver demonstrable social impact. The clinics were established to tackle oral health inequalities in underserved areas and to address the lack of availability of dental care, treating patients who may not otherwise have access to a dentist. Social Enterprise Kent Since 1985, Social Enterprise Kent has been supporting communities, individuals and businesses shaping a better tomorrow. It works in partnership with the whole community to build the skills and relationships needed to create positive change. As they phrase it - "Our story is intertwined with the stories of the people we touch. We don’t just dream of change; we roll up our sleeves and make it happen, hand in hand with our community, creating a legacy of compassion, support and community." @SocEntKent Trivallis Trivallis, a community mutual housing association and registered social landlord, offers safe and secure affordable housing to low-income families and individuals in Rhondda Cynon Taff and Cardiff Bay, South Wales. Managing over 10,000 properties, Trivallis provides homes for about 25,000 people, along with high-quality tenancy support services. As a major employer and procurer in the area, Trivallis is committed to improving the well-being of its communities and residents. @wearetrivallis

27 Sep

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UK Social Enterprise Awards 2024

One to Watch

Sponsored by PwC. Increasingly more and more people are setting up social enterprises, using their entrepreneurial ideas for the benefit of people and planet. The One to Watch Award is for a start-up social enterprise and key to winning this award is an ability to clearly articulate their future vision and how they are going to achieve it. Read on to find out who has made the shortlist: Amplify Goods Amplify Goods sells suds and scents with solidarity. It embraces intersectionality with a diverse, women-owned social enterprise and stepping-stone employer for those facing barriers to work, dedicated to transforming the B2B hygiene sector through sustainability and social equity. It designs and sells premium, planet-aware hand and body care products that drive circularity and minimise waste, harsh chemicals and carbon emissions. Reinvesting at least 51% of profits into mental health and wellbeing initiatives, Amplify Goods puts people and the planet first. Arts Care Arts Care is a limited company and a charity. It is a Northern Ireland wide regional arts, health and well being organisation established in 1991 as an initiative of the then Department of Health. It delivers a wide range of innovative, impactful and participatory arts projects, arts events, performances and exhibitions primarily (but not exclusively) within health, social and community care services (e.g. hospitals, residential homes and day care centres) throughout Northern Ireland. Art Care's mission is to help people transform their lives and well-being through participation in creative activities. @artscareni Construction and Engineering Opportunities Construction and Engineering Opportunities (CEO) is a community interest company founded in 2022. CEO empowers disadvantaged communities by providing essential skills and opportunities in the construction and engineering sectors. Through innovative programs, practical training, and mentorship, it promotes diversity and inclusion while fostering personal and professional development. With a strong commitment to social impact and sustainable growth, CEO is dedicated to creating a skilled, inclusive workforce for the future. @ceo_cic Courtyard Pantry Enterprise The Courtyard Pantry Enterprise's objective is to reduce the effects of poverty in Glasgow, using food as a vehicle for change. Its not-for-profit Pantry Hub tackles the root causes of poverty in the community through the provision of affordable food and by widening access to cost-of-living support services to its members. It also seeks to address economic inactivity in the local community, through its for-profit social enterprises, by providing employment, training and volunteering opportunities to those that face barriers to the job market. @courtyardpantryglasgow Down to Zero Ltd Down to Zero is a not-for-profit Community Benefit Society established to support community-led environmental activities that help tackle climate change and champion a low carbon green economy. In a nature and climate emergency this is more important than ever for current and future generations. Its business activities include - capturing carbon on land through activities including tree planting, agroforestry development, growing fruit and vegetables, and working with local people and volunteers; developing a low cost vegetable subscription services (Llysh Bocs); developing and selling sustainable charcoal and biochar (which is a carbon capturing peat free super fertiliser); and providing mentoring, education and training opportunities for local people young and old. Esports Youth Club CIC Esports Youth Club (EYC) is a pioneering social enterprise, empowering marginalised young people through gaming and esports. With hubs in Lambeth and Lewisham, EYC offers engaging activities that develop social skills, teamwork, and career opportunities in the gaming industry. EYC's innovative approach prepares young people for a changing future of work and enhances inclusion, addressing gaps in access left by mainstream education and created by systemic inequities. It creates pathways to high-demand skills and helps break cycles of poverty. @esportsyouthclub Half the Story Half the Story is a social enterprise biscuit business started in 2023. Its biscuits taste great - but as it says on each packet: ‘It’s not about the biscuit…it's about the people who bake them’. Half the Story creates life changing employment for people with major barriers to work including homelessness. Wrapped in ecofriendly packaging its biscuits can already be found in retail outlets, on boardroom tables, at conference centres and hotels. These are biscuits that taste good and do good! @halfthestoryuk KERB+ KERB+ is a not-for-profit social enterprise launched in 2023, cooking up positive social impact through street food. Born from over a decade of positive change from KERB, supporting small businesses in the hospitality industry and individuals facing barriers to entry. It supports people into work and people at work. It is all about driving positive change by providing vital support and a slice of opportunity for those who need it the most. @kerbfood

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