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Mobile clinics bring dental care to people who are homeless

Leading community dental provider, CDS CIC has been piloting a treatment programme for people with Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) and/or homelessness. The pilot is a partnership between CDS and the East Midlands Primary Care Team, working on behalf of five Integrated Care Boards in the Midlands. The CDS Mobile Dental Clinic has been visiting locations in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire that offer established services for people who are homeless. Patients are supported to attend appointments in an environment they are familiar with for check-ups and follow-up treatment. People experiencing SMD and homelessness face many barriers to accessing oral health care and experience higher levels of dental carries and periodontal disease than the general population. Poor oral health is linked to a decreased quality of life among these patients, compounding issues such as poor diet and substance misuse to alleviate pain. 36% of people who are homeless have accessed A&E services due to oral health related pain*. People who are homeless can often feel ashamed and embarrassed to attend a dental practice full of people, fearing that they will be judged as well as facing difficulty finding and registering with a dentist without a fixed address. The pilot been specifically designed around the needs of this patient group, with the mobile dental clinic attending places they are already familiar with and trust. Nicola Milner, Chief Operating Officer for CDS in the Midlands, said: ‘We know people who are homeless have multiple problems with their oral health. They find it incredibly difficult to access the care they need experiencing pain, frequently visiting A&E or even resorting to taking out teeth themselves. We worked closely with people who support this group of patients, and we are becoming known and trusted. It is fantastic that we can provide a positive experience for patients who may not have had good experiences accessing dental care before and to relieve their pain and embarrassment associated with their teeth.’ So far, the mobile clinic has seen 145 patients at twice weekly sessions which are also an opportunity to signpost to other services, such as smoking cessation and drug and alcohol support. The mobile clinic is equipped to provide a full range of dental treatment. Feedback from patients has been overwhelmingly positive: “I think this service is invaluable to me. I have not been to a dentist for several years. My teeth are a state from years of drug abuse and being beaten up while living rough on the streets. The dentist was very kind and put me at ease while looking at my teeth and guided me through the process/appointments. This is the beginning of the new me. Thank you so much.”  “I cannot thank the dentist enough for the support they have shown me. The dentist was non-judgemental towards me, as I was living in a tent in Derbyshire for over 2 years. To be honest, my teeth were the last thing on my mind, but looking back, my teeth are one of the first things other people see. I know that I would have never gone to a dentist surgery as I am far too embarrassed.” The pilot began in June and is set to continue for 12 months. ENDS Notes to editor: *Reference: Healthy Mouths. A peer-led health audit on the oral health of People experiencing homelessness. Groundswell 2017 available at

01 Feb

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GLL Sport Foundation Awards 2024 – Applications close 20 February

The UK’s largest independent athlete support programme – the GLL Sport Foundation Awards – closes its application window on 20 February. Talented athletes from 65 areas across the UK are invited to apply for a range of support awards which include financial help, access to sport facilities, physiotherapy, lifestyle mentoring and mental health aid. Now in its 15th year of operation, the GLL Sport Foundation has so far contributed over £14m and distributed 26,000 awards to support young talented athletes on their sporting journey. The innovative scheme is provided by charitable social enterprise GLL and a number of partner sponsors and expects to award £1.2m worth of help in 2024 for successful applicants. Already a popular and essential support programme for athletes, the Foundation is expecting heightened athlete interest as training costs, equipment purchases, strength & conditioning costs and travel costs continue to rise.   All successful applicants will be given access to the 250 sport and leisure facilities across the UK operated by GLL under its “Better” trading brand. Applications opened on 20 December 2023 and are available until 20 February 2024. The award application announcement for 2024 was made at the York Stadium Leisure Complex which comprises the LNER Community Stadium and York Leisure Centre.  Both of the co-located venues are run by GLL and now add their world class facilities to those that can be used by GSF athletes in training – including Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park’s Copper Box Arena, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority’s White Water Centre, Ice Centre and VeloPark; and Manchester’s Aquatics Centre and National Cycling Centre. The LNER Community Stadium will be hosting matches for the Rugby World Cup 2025 as well as resident teams York City FC and York Knights RLFC. Over the past 16 years, GLL Sport Foundation supported athletes have excelled in major competitions and have gained 76 Olympic and Paralympic medals and 77 Commonwealth Games medals. Previous holders of GSF awards include Darryl Neita (athletics), Anna Hursey (table tennis), Charlotte Worthington (BMX), Alex Yee (triathlon), boxers Anthony Joshua, Aiden and Michaela Walsh, divers Tom Daley, Matty Lee and Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix, swimmers Tully Kearney, Susie Rodgers, Tom Dean and Ellie Simmons. It has always however been a core mission of the programme to support young emerging talent on their sporting journey, with the majority of athletes aged under the age of 21 and the largest cohort under 18 years old. Across the programme, 87% of athletes receive no other funding or athlete support, which underlines the importance of the scheme to both athletes and GLL’s social values. Commenting on the closing of the application window for the GSF Awards 2024, Peter Bundey, GLL Sport Foundation Chair, said: “There’s still time for talented athletes across the country to apply for our awards and take advantage of a unique opportunity to reach their sporting potential. “Previous athletes tell us the awards provide a lifeline to individuals who want to compete at the highest level as well as helping local communities discover the opportunities and enrichment that comes through sport.” Applications are open until 20th February 2024 via the website portal – GSF supported para tennis player Lily Mills, 23, from Islington said: “I’m really excited about the new round of GSF Awards - for all young athletes out there like me, these awards can make a huge difference to us staying in training and competing at the highest level.”

01 Feb

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New research highlights need to diversify UK business

Our latest report reveals that the UK suffers from a business monoculture - an economy dominated by firms that primarily exist to maximise profits, which encourages a short-term focus that can be damaging economically as well as socially and environmentally. We reviewed evidence from the five largest economies in Europe and found that the UK is an outlier, with lower levels of investment and employment in the social economy. Social enterprises and cooperatives deliver 14% of GDP in the Netherlands, 12% in Germany and 10% in France, but our social economy is only worth around 3%.  The research shows that growing the social economy in Spain's Basque Country and the Emilia Romagna region of Italy has increased GDP per capita and reduced inequalities. Overall, the data suggests that investment in people and capital tends to increase productivity, which in turn improves wages and living conditions. This means our European peers with bigger social economies enjoy higher wages and greater representation at work, while the UK struggles with weaker economic performance and lower working standards. We can and must change this. Our calculations show that growing the UK social economy, from the current 3% of GDP to be more in line with neighbouring countries at 12%, could: boost UK investment by £14bn (around 1% of GDP per annum)  raise average wages by up to £2,640 per worker  secure the Living Wage for 400,000 more workers   enable 75,000 more employers to train their staff  give 4.2m workers a real say in how their employers operate  improve work quality by widening access to initiatives like 4-day weeks and flexible working  have significant spill-over effects longer-term on the wider national economy, such as boosting productivity and living standards.  Social Enterprise UK produced this report with support from the Alex Ferry Foundation.

24 Jan

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Free business support for Plymouth based social enterprises

Iridescent Ideas CIC are leading a partnership of fantastic local organisations and experts to deliver the Social Enterprise Advice and Support (SEAS) Programme. Commissioned by Plymouth City Council, and funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the programme is providing FREE business support and advice for Plymouth-based individuals, social enterprises and co-operatives. Support available includes access to expert, specialist one-to-one advice, workshops covering digital skills, creative technology, funding and finance, social investment,  marketing, business planning and a range of other related topics, as well as access to a suite of online courses.  Gareth Hart, Director of Iridescent Ideas CIC said: “Iridescent Ideas is delighted to lead the SEAS Programme. Our partnership includes world leading social enterprises and experts providing support on all aspects of starting, running and developing a social enterprise or co-op. “We want to see social enterprise and co-operative ways of running businesses become the norm in Plymouth. We know that many people have brilliant ideas but they need a bit of support to help start up a social enterprise or co-op and also, many existing social enterprises and co-ops want to develop new services and products. “The SEAS programme responds to that by providing free, easy to access business support and advice.” The partnership and specialisms are listed below: Cosmic – digital skills, leadership Dirk Rohwedder (Enterprise with Purpose) – coaching, leadership, financial management Diversity Business Incubator (DBI) – development, specialist support Black and Minority Ethnic social entrepreneurs Iridescent Ideas – legal structures, governance, social enterprise start-up Jon Rolls (BCause) – social investment, investment readiness Paul Read (Drift) – business planning, growth, young people Plymouth Social Enterprise Network (PSEN) – networking and event promotion. POP – networking and start-up funding advice. Real Ideas – creative/digital tech social entrepreneurs, marketing, access to facilities.  Interested? Email, visit the Iridescent Ideas website to find out more or REGISTER HERE!

19 Jan

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TCES named as 1st online special school in the country to pass quality inspection

TCES National Online School – whose pupils have special educational needs, with many at risk of becoming ‘ghost children’ through missing out on school entirely - has been named as the first online special school to be accredited under the Department for Education’s new Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS).  The clampdown scheme was launched in response to growing concern about the quality and safety of an unregulated and rapidly growing online education sector. In a blog post explaining the scheme, National Director of Education, Christopher Russell, has identified the risks as: ‘Anyone - qualified or not – could cobble together an unsafe platform, plan a few lessons, and start to charge fees to unsuspecting parents. That’s bad for children, bad for their parents, and it's also unfair for the good online providers that are proud of their work and welcome independent oversight.’ A two-day inspection, during which inspectors spoke to children, parents and the Local Authorities who fund TCES National Online School places, concluded that the school had met all OEAS quality standards: ‘Led by the proprietor, leaders and staff are driven by a strong moral purpose to improve children’s academic and pastoral outcomes. They expertly intertwine education and therapy, working tirelessly to identify, reduce, and often, eliminate the barriers to learning children have faced.’  ‘In line with TCES’ other schools and services, TCES National Online School provides for pupils’ holistic development through a five-part curriculum: academic and vocational, enrichment, engagement, therapeutic and pupil leadership. The curriculum is designed to meet pupils’ educational, therapeutic and SEMH needs and is mapped against the targets in pupils’ EHC plans. When joining the provider, pupils are enrolled as full-time learners, with timetables specific to their needs. As they develop trust in their tutors and build in confidence, pupils access an increasing range of learning opportunities.’ Welcoming the first-of-its-kind quality mark, TCES Founder and CEO Thomas Keaney says:   ‘Being the first online special school to achieve the Department for Education’s quality mark is a huge achievement for my team. It proves that we’re doing what we set out to; provide a first-class, well-rounded education for children with special needs, anxiety and other challenges that make it impossible for them to attend school in person.   ‘Just as importantly the quality mark provides vital reassurance for families and Local Authorities. Now they can look for an online provider with the OEAS quality mark and know that we meet the standards demanded by the Department for Education.’ 10-year-old Daniel has a diagnosis of autism and ADHD and has been studying with TCES National Online School since May 2023. Prior to joining TCES, Daniel’s attendance at his mainstream primary school had fallen to around 50% and getting him into school had become increasingly difficult for his mum Louise, who says:  ‘I used to dread waking up in the morning to get Daniel into school. Sometimes I couldn’t get him there until midday or 1pm.  I felt like I was failing as a mum because he was suffering so much. I want him to have an education, but not at the expense of his mental health. Daniel could certainly have become one of the so-called ‘ghost children’ without TCES National Online School. His school said they couldn’t meet his needs, I would have had to take him out and maybe try home-schooling, but I don’t have any training in that area. Everything could have become very, very difficult for us both. Since he’s been with TCES, I’ve seen Daniel thrive and be independent. He’s excited rather than stressed. He’s calmer, happier, he knows he’s in a safe environment and doesn’t feel threatened.’ TCES CEO Thomas Keaney continues: ‘Most TCES National Online School pupils have Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) owing to their medical diagnoses, special needs, or mental health challenges. Often, they are victims of a broken system which has seen them permanently excluded with no other school that will take them, or waiting years for a special school place in a sector where chronic underinvestment means that need far outstrips supply.  For these families, online school is not a lifestyle choice, a nice to have, it’s quite simply the only way that their complex and vulnerable children can access the education they are entitled to. With more than 36% of children with EHCPs persistently absent, and more than 3,000 reportedly waiting for a special school place, it’s high time we stopped thinking of attendance in a physical school as the only solution. Today is a first for the online education sector, and I hope it sends a clear message that online special education – be it interim or permanent – is a viable option for the future. Regulating the sector must be just the start of the journey for the Department for Education. Next it must consult, invest, and plan for the expansion of state-funded online special schools, rather than allow a two-tier online school system to open up where only those parents who can afford it get the specialist education their children deserve.’ About TCES TCES National Online School has been providing a full online curriculum and school experience to pupils since 2020. It is part of the family-owned, social enterprise group, The Complete Education Solution (TCES). TCES was set up in 1999 by founder and CEO Thomas Keaney whose authentic commitment to inclusion means that no child has ever been permanently excluded in the Group’s 24-year history, and there are no fixed term exclusions either.  Increasingly, pupils referred to TCES National Online School have been out of school for long periods, and at substantial risk of becoming ‘ghost children’ and/or being drawn into criminal and other forms of exploitation owing to a chronic lack of support for them and their families. Working to the same therapeutic education principles used in TCES bricks and mortar schools (rated Good with Outstanding features by Ofsted) TCES National Online School aims to prepare pupils to ‘step down’ into physical mainstream or special schools wherever possible. Pupils attend TCES National Online School for a minimum of six weeks, with the average placement lasting 28 weeks. However, pupils also attend for longer periods where appropriate. The OEAS inspection report confirms that ‘no pupils leaving the provider [TCES National Online School] become NEET’ (not in education, employment or training).

18 Jan

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How can social enterprises transform the UK food system?

At Social Enterprise UK we run the Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Social Enterprise, encouraging politicians to explore the impact of social enterprises in addressing key national policy issues. On 16 January the APPG hosted a discussion on social enterprise solutions to challenges in the UK food system, facilitated by Jo Gideon MP, highlighting Middlesex University research on how the sector can improve access to healthy and sustainable food. The gathering of parliamentarians heard from Prof Fergus Lyon, Dr Anastasia Loukianov, Dr Ian Vickers and Dr Doirean Wilson about how existing approaches have been largely unsuccessful in addressing poor dietary health and unsustainable food production. Social enterprises grounded in local communities offer an alternative to top-down public health initiatives, which can come across as patronising and jar with lived experiences of food poverty. Social enterprises involved in the research also shared their experiences. The Selby Trust spoke about their food hub, global garden and community café that provide fresh food to the local community and a garden space where people can grow their own food. Showing the harsh reality of the food crisis, in the last year they delivered food to over 12,000 people. The Ubele Initiative discussed their work on food sovereignty; they support Black and Minoritised communities through social prescribing work focused on growing food -making the link between healthy eating, community activity and mental health. The research also involves London Early Years Foundation’s nursery chef programme, as well as a local food hub and therapeutic growing work by Social adVentures. From health and care to early years education, community hubs and transport providers – this research shows how diverse social enterprises are finding innovative, empowering ways to transform the food system. The project is ongoing but its resulting report will be published on our Social Enterprise Knowledge Centre later this year. Wider discussion included conversations on the role of procurement and social value in supporting social enterprises working in this space, the need for better support from government for local food initiatives, and calls to make grants and other funding options more accessible. Commenting on the roundtable discussion, Professor Fergus Lyon said: “It was an honour to be invited to present to MPs and there was lots of interest about the role that social enterprises can play in tackling the food issues. It was also a great opportunity to bring together a range of thinkers on food issues and discuss how social enterprises can be part of the solution”.

18 Jan

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Stand with Professor Yunus

On New Year’s Day, the social enterprise community woke up to the news that Nobel Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus was to be sentenced to six months in jail on charges of violating labour laws in his home country of Bangladesh. He is currently on bail pending an appeal. Professor Yunus is one of the true pioneers of the social enterprise movement crediting with lifting millions out of poverty through the innovative use of micro-finance, something which earned him the title of ‘banker to the poor’. The harassment and now sentencing of Professor Yunus has been condemned by fellow Nobel Laureates, global leaders and concerned citizens from around the world as being politically motivated. Amnesty International stated that the Bangladeshi Governments’ actions are “emblematic of the beleaguered state of human rights in Bangladesh, where the authorities have eroded freedoms and bulldozed critics into submission.” Not only is Professor Yunus an inspiration to social entrepreneurs around the world he is also a real friend of Social Enterprise UK, having spoken with and met some of our members at a reception in Parliament and also taken part in our online Social Enterprise Futures conference in 2021. Our Chief Executive, Peter Holbrook believes that not only is the persecution of Professor Yunus politically motivated but also point towards the real dangers faced by those who dare challenge the status quo, telling Pioneers Post that “if you really get close to achieving your mission [of] positively changing the world in a structural and systemic way, then existing sources of power will come after you.” Show your support and solidarity We’re encouraging our members to show that they stand in solidarity with Professor Yunus through sharing a picture of them holding a sign stating ‘I Stand with Yunus’ and then posting this on social media using #IStandWithYunus. Whilst work proceeds behind the scenes to fight for the overturning of this unjust sentence, showing that Professor Yunus is supported and appreciated by the movement he did so much to inspire will keep his case on the radar and hopefully help keep his spirits up. His team at the Yunus Centre are encouraging everyone to get involved and are in direct contact with him passing on messages of support. Please do show your support by taking this simple online campaign action.   You can also still add your name to this open letter signed by 188 global leaders created when the Bangladeshi Government’s harassment of Professor Yunus became apparent. Signatories include over 100 Nobel laureates, Barack Obama, and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. To add you name email

15 Jan

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