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Member updates

20 years, 7 social enterprises, £4 million turnover, 1 huge legacy. 

After 20 years, at the end of March 2025, Richard Beard will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO, a leading Birmingham charity and family of seven sustainable social enterprises.  JERICHO is an award-winning charity that provides supported work opportunities for people facing extreme challenges in getting a job. The organisation primarily supports marginalised young people and survivors of modern slavery. What is truly different about the JERICHO model is the combination of vital support and activities which are offered alongside supported work placements. The person-centred JERICHO approach helps reduce isolation, support recovery, promote inclusion and ultimately supports people to become more employable and transform their lives.  JERICHO’s people are the key to success, and Richard learnt from the ground up. After a career in engineering, he joined the JERICHO staff team in October 2004 to lead a project training people with lived experience of substance misuse, homelessness or offending in construction skills. In 2005, he was appointed Deputy CEO and then taking on the role of Chief Executive in 2006.  His aspiration was to scale and grow the charity, further develop the social impact and to increase the proportion of income that came from trading rather than grants.  In Richard’s first year, JERICHO trading income was less than 10% of £420,000 annual income. As Richard steps away from JERICHO, group income is above £4 million with 80% trading income…. So, mission accomplished!  Incoming Chief Executive, Katie Webb, says, “The work to create a fairer society doesn’t stop. There is still so much to do to help level the playing field and providing supported work placements for people who need them most must continue so we can help change lives and improve life chances. My aspiration for my term leading JERICHO is to build on Richard’s amazing legacy, continue innovating and to keep trying to build a fairer society.”  “We are already developing new employability-focused projects and programmes that will help us support more people with barriers to entering the workforce. Going forwards, as well as focusing on training and supporting people to progress to roles in foundational sectors, we would love to create new supported work opportunities that equip and upskill people for the ‘jobs of tomorrow’ as well enable routes into mainstream work in key areas where we are already seeing labour shortages such as health and social care, childcare and manufacturing.”  Richard’s contribution to the West Midlands regional social economy is not to be underestimated. In the November Social Economy Awards 2025, supported by West Midlands Combined Authority,  he was shortlisted for Overall Contribution to the Social Economy (Individual) category.  Under Richard’s stewardship, JERICHO employment outcomes currently range from 84% to 100% annually for people progressing into employment, education or other positive outcomes, and has generated £2million of added social value in 2023/24.   Richard Beard says, “I’m truly delighted to be handing the Chief Executive baton onto an incredibly talented and capable successor who I’m confident will lead JERICHO to the next level.”  “What am I proud of, aside from all those people who have been involved with JERICHO over the last 20 years, is that JERICHO is now known as leaders in the fields of supported employment and modern slavery.”   Colin Marsh, Chair of Trustees, says, “Huge thanks to Richard for his many years of excellent service to JERICHO. I am looking forward to working with Katie Webb in the months ahead.”

07 Mar

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Get to know the Social, Cooperative and Community  Economy All-Party Parliamentary Group

What is it, who’s in it and what will they do? Everything you need to know is here. What is the APPG? The Social, Cooperative and Community Economy All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has been created to increase understanding and support of diverse, mission-led business models (social enterprises, co-ops, mutuals, employee-owned and community business etc). As the name suggests, it will work to address issues important to building a more inclusive economy and try to influence legislative change so that diverse mission-led businesses can reach their potential. APPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.  Social Enterprise UK provides the Secretariat for the APPG. We assist the chair and officers of the group with APPG administration including meetings and AGMs, develop and deliver work plans, and manage communications for members and stakeholders. Who’s in it? Chair of the group is Patrick Hurley, the first Labour MP for Southport. Patrick previously worked as a councillor for Liverpool City Council for 12 years and ran the city’s Social Enterprise Network. Vice-Chair Baroness Thornton, one of the founders of Social Enterprise UK, is a long-standing social enterprise and cooperative expert who worked in the Department of Health and Social Care when Gordon Brown was PM and now sits in the House of Lords. The group also has two officers - Josh Babarinde, Liberal Democrat MP for Eastbourne, who formerly ran the social enterprise Cracked It, and Conservative The Lord Balfe, a former Political Secretary of the Woolwich Arsenal Co-operative Society who served in the European Parliament. A growing number of parliamentarians have joined and expressed interest in the group and wish to be kept informed of its progress. You can find a full list here. What will they do? In addition to arranging visits for APPG members to meet social enterprises, coops and community businesses, the group will run two inquiries over the coming months. The first will look at how Labour’s manifesto commitment to grow diverse business models, such as social enterprises and coops, is being delivered, exploring past and planned government activity and the wider context for growth in terms of capitalisation, routes to market and ecosystem support. A second inquiry will explore public services provision and the role for social, cooperative and community business within it. The APPG will also host a Parliamentary reception in June, as part of work to raise awareness in Westminster of the work and contributions of social, cooperative and community business. If you’d like more information, please email

07 Mar

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2 min

Member updates

Connection Crew releases 2024 impact report on the UN Day of Social Justice

Connection Crew, the UK’s only social enterprise in the crewing industry, published their 2024 Impact Report on 20th February 2025, reflecting on a record-breaking year of social and environmental impact, and what that really means. The report, released on the UN Day of Social Justice, highlights the dual challenges of rising homelessness and the urgent need for a just transition; one that reduces carbon emissions without leaving people behind. In 2024, Connection Crew generated 34,384 hours of direct social impact — their biggest year yet. 30.6% of crew who joined them were previously affected by homelessness; 30.2% of their total crew were previously affected by homelessness. But look deeper at the numbers, and you see they're indicative of a harsh reality: more people than ever are at risk of, or directly experiencing, homelessness. According to Shelter, 1 in 160 people were homeless on any one night in 2024, a 14% increase on 182 in 2023. Connection Crew's Impact Crew includes individuals who:  have direct lived experience of homelessness  are at risk of homelessness are long-term unemployed have left institutions such as care, prison, or the military Through paid work, training, and mentoring, they’re helping peoples' journey to rebuild their lives. In 2024, they supported 15 people referred by partners through their Academy and into Living Wage Work, and a further 37 people who applied to them directly. That’s progress. But they accept that they need to go further and push for better working conditions in the gig economy. That means: helping crew access more stable hours advocating for fairer working conditions across the events industry finding new ways to make long-term social impact It's not going to be easy. There are obstacles in their way and the industry relies on last-minute bookings, with freelancing being the norm. Connection Crew's focus is environmental as well as social; to look after people, they need to look after the planet. They hold themselves accountable for their environmental footprint. In 2024, 98.2% of their clients opted into their Carbon Levy, supporting carbon removal projects and behaviour change initiatives within their crew. “A just transition means fairness at every level,” said Warren Rogers, Director at Connection Crew. “Reducing carbon emissions and tackling homelessness must go hand in hand. Our 2024 Impact Report is about being honest about our progress, as well as where we need to do better.” Read the full 2024 Impact Report

26 Feb

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2 min

Case studies for commissioners

RIFT Social Enterprise

RIFT Social Enterprise is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that delivers self-employment services across the UK, with its main focus being on a 12-month one-to-one support for people interested in working for themselves. Its vision is to be the leading provider of self-employment support for marginalised people, and its mission is to empower participants to achieve sustainable self-employment and raise awareness that this is a viable option for many. The business has been trading for seven years, delivering a series of courses and webinars beyond its main support programme as well as accredited workbooks. From a team of two, it’s grown to 15 staff members, and in the last year alone supported more than a thousand people on their journey to self-employment. Working to support those in the criminal justice system For the first four years of RIFT Social Enterprise’s existence, the government department it’s worked with most has been His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). It has delivered services via the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the prison service and through CFO3 (Co-funding Organisation Round 3), which supported people with convictions to overcome barriers to education and employment. This funding ended in July 2024, but the social enterprise has been onboarded by the majority of prime providers delivering the programme's next iteration, CFOE. Two years ago, RIFT Social Enterprise diversified its services and started delivering for the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Restart Scheme. This works with people who have been long-term unemployed, giving them specialist tools and support to get back into the job market. The scheme is primarily contracted out to a series of prime organisations, such as Maximus and Ingeus, and RIFT Social Enterprise currently delivers for 20 different Restart providers all across the country. What are the benefits to government of working with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (VCSEs)? RIFT Social Enterprise’s chief executive Andy Gullick emphasises the additional value that comes through partnering with organisations dedicated to creating a positive social or environmental impact: “Social enterprises have social value at their core. The work that we do is founded in doing it for the right reasons, and profits have to be reinvested back into the business for the greater good of the work we’re doing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s only going to lead to long term benefits for the participants, the local community, and that government contract as a whole.” What challenges have you faced in the contracting process?   Process, transparency and the role of relationships One of the big challenges RIFT Social Enterprise has found when applying for contracts is the time it takes to get onto portals such as the DPS for the prison service. Organisations wishing to deliver government contracts submit eligibility to deliver a service onto a DPS, with the relevant department going to those who have made it onto these procurement platforms to decide who to contract with. Whilst these are set up to simplify the contracting process, getting on the DPS “took hours and hours for a relatively new social enterprise at the time”. For smaller VCSEs, the amount of detail required can prove to be a challenge: “When you don’t have a big team or the experience of bidding for government contracts, it’s quite difficult in terms of bid writing , having to have two years’ worth of audited accounts, or if not providing management accounts and references. Having to go through 90 different questions as part of the due diligence process is really time consuming!” Once on a procurement portal, Andy highlights that many organisations “expect to sit back and wait for call-off opportunities to be published which they can bid for” but in reality it’s often “more about the relationships that you had or forge with particular prison governors of prison leadership teams, rather than it being an equal process”. This focus on forging relationships with commissioning bodies can lead to criticisms about the transparency of the process, and service deliverers sometimes approaching commissioners with ideas on what kind of services to commission. Compared to work with HMPPS, the Restart work through DWP was easier - but there were common challenges around the onboarding process, primarily around working with primes (organisations applying directly apply to DWP to deliver the bulk of the contract). In the example of Restart, a prime organisation would deliver a certain percentage of the contract and subcontract a supply chain to deliver another percentage, then both subcontract RIFT Social Enterprise on a spot purchase arrangement to provide specialist self-employment provision. Each layer required separate due diligence processes. Working with so many primes meant RIFT Social Enterprise had to fill out the same information multiple times and often in different ways; Andy said: “I wish that there was one standard proforma that was used for all VCSE providers that captured all of the information that all the primes need for due diligence.” Capturing broader impact Andy raised concerns that contracting processes don’t capture well the broader impact created by VCSEs, which are set up to tackle social and environmental challenges. He stressed how “stories of change” and the impact of RIFT Social Enterprise’s programmes on individual participants are key to its work, but often beyond the specifications of many contracts. With Restart, prime organisations draw down funding every time RIFT Social Enterprise can evidence that someone is self-employed as a result of the organisation’s work, but what is not counted are the “many softer outcomes for that individual such as an increase in confidence, better relationships with family and the wider community”. “There’s a real dichotomy between us being a not for profit, doing things for the right reasons, but working on a contract, where in a way, they encourage us to screen people out that aren’t going to get to the point of trading because they won’t be able to draw down any funding for that person – it’s a constant battle.” One possible solution to making it easier for VCSEs to apply for government contracts suggested by Andy is to influence primes to work with more VCSE suppliers: “With any new government procurement opportunities, the prime should be mandated so that a percentage of delivery has to fall within VCSE organisations. We add so much in terms of social value and impact but, at the moment, it’s a nice to have.” Based on a conversation with Andy Gullick, Chief Executive at RIFT Social Enterprise

24 Feb

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5 min

Case studies for VCSEs

RIFT Social Enterprise

RIFT Social Enterprise is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that delivers self-employment services across the UK, with its main focus being on a 12-month one-to-one support for people interested in working for themselves. Its vision is to be the leading provider of self-employment support for marginalised people, and its mission is to empower participants to achieve sustainable self-employment and raise awareness that this is a viable option for many. The business has been trading for seven years, delivering a series of courses and webinars beyond its main support programme as well as accredited workbooks. From a team of two, it’s grown to 15 staff members, and in the last year alone supported more than a thousand people on their journey to self-employment. Working to support those in the criminal justice system For the first four years of RIFT Social Enterprise’s existence, the government department it’s worked with most has been His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). It has delivered services via the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the prison service and through CFO3 (Co-funding Organisation Round 3), which supported people with convictions to overcome barriers to education and employment. This funding ended in July 2024, but the social enterprise has been onboarded by the majority of prime providers delivering the programme's next iteration, CFOE. Two years ago, RIFT Social Enterprise diversified its services and started delivering for the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Restart Scheme. This works with people who have been long-term unemployed, giving them specialist tools and support to get back into the job market. The scheme is primarily contracted out to a series of prime organisations, such as Maximus and Ingeus, and RIFT Social Enterprise currently delivers for 20 different Restart providers all across the country. What are the benefits to government of working with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (VCSEs)? RIFT Social Enterprise’s chief executive Andy Gullick emphasises the additional value that comes through partnering with organisations dedicated to creating a positive social or environmental impact: “Social enterprises have social value at their core. The work that we do is founded in doing it for the right reasons, and profits have to be reinvested back into the business for the greater good of the work we’re doing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s only going to lead to long term benefits for the participants, the local community, and that government contract as a whole.” What tips do you have for other VCSEs looking to work with government? Andy recommends trying to secure contracts with key performance targets, rather than spot purchase arrangements, as this offers a much more stable source of revenue: “When we secured our first contract on the CFO3 provision across the prison service, the fact that we knew we were guaranteed that revenue every month for two years gave us the financial stability to be able to build and look to the future. Yes, we had some tough targets to meet and to evidence, but we knew exactly where we were. At the moment a lot of our contracts are on spot purchase arrangements, so we don’t know from one month to the next how many referrals we’re going to get in and how many successful outcomes we’re going to be able to draw down funding for. See if you can persuade the contracting body or prime to put you on a fixed-term contract with a guaranteed minimum revenue stream every month. It certainly was the building block for us to be able to continue with our growth.” Another top tip is to “network, network, network – get your name out there, go to as many events as you can, get your pitch deck in order and get it done professionally”. One big piece of advice given to Andy when it comes to promoting your business to a contracting organisation is to make sure you focus on the specific issues you can address and how you can work with them to deliver the solutions needed, rather than on broadly talking about what you do: “When talking about promoting your business to primes and to government organisations, start off with the problem you’re going to solve as opposed to what a lot of people do which is saying who we are, what we do, how great we are then at the end talking about the problem. Turn it on its head, go to the prime and tell them - this is a problem I’ve identified that you could potentially face with this contract and this is how we can support you to resolve it.” Based on a conversation with Andy Gullick, Chief Executive at RIFT Social Enterprise

24 Feb

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4 min


What the new Procurement Act means for social enterprises

Supplying services to the government or intending to? Here’s everything you need to know about the government’s new Procurement Act and how it will affect you.  Many of our members supply goods and services to local and national government, which is why the Procurement Act 2023 finally coming into force on 24 February is big news for social enterprises. The government is telling us that “the rules that shape how public bodies buy goods and services will change,” so if you’re a supplier or aspire to be, read on. We’ll tell you what’s changing, what you can do to prepare for it and why this is good news.  What is the new Procurement Act? According to the government, the new Act will simplify bidding and negotiating for contracts with the public sector by introducing a more flexible process that will reduce bureaucratic barriers for social enterprises. Payment will be more prompt, with 30-day payment terms on more contracts being promised, and suppliers can also expect feedback on their tenders from public bodies.   Key to this slicker way of working will be a new central digital platform, which is being positioned as ‘an enhancement to the existing Find a Tender service’. Registration will be simpler, and you’ll be able to store your core business details, making it easier to share your information with contracting authorities and use it for multiple bids. If you’re interested to see the new platform, the section below tells you how. All public procurement opportunities will be visible and searchable, and you’ll also be able to set up alerts, making it easier to stay aware of relevant available tenders.   The Act also promises a new regulator to ensure everyone plays by the new rules. The slightly Orwellian sounding Procurement Review Unit (PRU) will ‘enhance public sector procurement practice by ensuring adherence to the Procurement Act and safeguarding public procurement from suppliers deemed to pose risk’. Should you feel you were treated unfairly through the procurement process, the PRU will be the people to speak to, including anything to do with late payment.   How to get ready for the changes The government has done a good job in providing lots of resources to help you prepare for this new procurement process. It’s put a wealth of written information at your disposal, but also a library of 'Knowledge Drop' videos, as well as the training materials they are supplying to public sector buyers. You can find links to all of these on the government website. If you can set aside an hour, this video gives an overview of the new Procurement Act, along with key benefits and a demonstration of the new central digital platform. Join one of our practical webinars  We’ll be hosting a series of webinars to support organisations make the most of the opportunities being created by the new procurement landscape. 13 March, 12-12:40pm – Support for social enterprises Join our Deputy CEO, Charlie Wigglesworth, who’ll run through the key requirements for social enterprise suppliers. This webinar will be taking place in our Members’ Area and SEUK members will be sent a sign-up link in advance. If you’re not a member but would like to find out more, please fill out this expression of interest form. 12 March, 11am-12pm – Support for government suppliers VCSE Crown Representative, Claire Dove will run through the governments plans to increase spend with social enterprises and charities, providing practical examples and advice. 11 March, 12-1pm – Support for local authorities This webinar, explicitly tailored to local authority commissioners, will outline why it is important to involve social enterprises in the commissioning process. Why is this an opportunity for social enterprises?  The government has prefaced the Act going live with a National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) which provides transparency to the expectations they have of commissioners.   In it, it’s particularly pleasing to see recognition that social enterprises “are more likely to generate diverse and thriving local economies, creating jobs and economic growth”. Even better, that the number one requirement for economic growth in the NPPS is to “maximise procurement spend with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs)”.  Read our full response to the NPPS. Overall, we see the new Procurement Act and accompanying statement as a good direction of travel towards our aim of all public sector procurement creating social value. If you’re interested in knowing more about this, you can read about our Social Value 2032 Programme.

24 Feb

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4 min

Member updates

GLL to operate Westminster Boating Base from 1 March 2025

The UK’s largest charitable social enterprise leisure provider, GLL, will add Westminster Boating Base to its ever-growing list of water facilities when it takes on its management and operations on behalf of the Westminster Boating Base charity from 1 March 2025, following an agreement struck with the charity’s trustees.   GLL operates facilities under its 'Better' brand. The new arrangements will ensure the Pimlico-based charity will continue to be able to meet its charitable objectives to help educate and develop young people and improve lives for many years to come. It will also ensure the Base retains its unique identity and role in the community. Westminster Boating Base offers unrivalled safe and supervised access to the water for local school children who can use its pontoon to get out on the River Thames in kayaks and sailing dinghies. There will be no immediate change to the programme in 2025 under GLL’s expert management. The charitable social enterprise already operates successful water-based facilities in Lee Valley, Hackney, Welwyn Hatfield, Bedford, Manchester, Wales and Cumbria. GLL’s Partnership Manager Katie Foulger said: "We are delighted to add Westminster Boating Base to our ever-growing list of open water facilities - which include an Olympic Canoe Slalom course, Cumbrian and Welsh lakes, a reservoir in Hackney – as well as six lidos.   "Children learn valuable life skills, grow in confidence and thrive through active play and sport.  With the support of the sailing and kayaking experts here, all are assured of the best experience in the capital." "Taking the Base into our GLL family will secure its future for years to come for local children and schools as well as grant access to our Foundations, expertise and 34 years of industry-leading experience – all backed by the strong social values that our brands stand for." Nestled on the banks of the River Thames, Westminster Boating Base also boasts one of London’s most distinctive event venues, offering unparalleled riverside views from its elegant wrap-around balcony.  Already a sought-after destination for weddings, private parties and community events, the venue is now poised for an exciting new chapter under the management of GLL. With a strategic focus on expanding its events programme, Westminster Boating Base will further cement its reputation as a central premium event space while generating essential revenue to support its charitable and youth development initiatives.  GLL’s Head of National Events, Daniel Le Grange commented:  “Westminster Boating Base is an exceptional venue, combining breathtaking Thames views with a versatile and stylish setting. "We are committed to delivering high-end, premium events from conferences to corporate functions to exclusive private parties. "Every event hosted here not only benefits from an extraordinary backdrop but also plays a direct role in supporting the Base’s invaluable community and youth programmes.”  Westminster Boating Base's bookings and facility information are made available via the the website and the better_uk app. Nigel Berman, Chair of Trustees at Westminster Boating Base charity said: “This new partnership with GLL ensures our charitable objectives can be delivered while we retain our unique identity and role in the community. “We look forward to working with GLL to improve outcomes for young people and put the Base on a sustainable financial footing going forward.” GLL will continue the strong relationship built up with clubs and volunteers at the Base. GLL's water-based facilities: Westminster Boating Base, Pimlico Debdale Outdoor Centre, Manchester Lee Valley White Water Centre, Waltham Cross Blue Peris Outdoor Centre, Gwynedd Ghyll Head Activity Centre, Cumbria West Reservoir Centre, Hackney Jesus Green Lido, Cambridge London Fields Lido, Hackney Charlton Lido, Greenwich Abbey Meadows Lido, Oxfordshire Finchley Lido, Barnet Hillingdon Lido and Leisure Centre, Uxbridge

21 Feb

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Member updates

Clean for Good is the first cleaning company in the UK to become a Living Pension Employer

The Living Pension is a new Living Wage Foundation accreditation for employers who want to help workers boost their pension pots. Clean for Good is an award-winning ethical cleaning company and has become the first cleaning company in the UK to become a Living Pension Employer. Clean for Good has recently accredited as a Living Pension Employer. As an early adopter of the Living Pension, their commitment will see all of their employees offered regular pension savings equal to 12% of their wages, including a generous 8% employer contribution. This will ensure that their workers are more likely to retire with a ‘living pension’. Clean for Good is a pioneering company setting new standards in the UK cleaning sector. It was one of the first cleaning companies in the UK to become a fully accredited Living Wage Employer and a B-Corp, It was the first to adopt the Fair Tax Mark. Today it is the first UK cleaning company to become a Living Pension Employer. Clean for Good is a different kind of cleaning company, established as a social business to provide a fairer deal for cleaners and to drive change in a sector that is infamous for low pay and poor conditions. The Living Pension accreditation, awarded by the Living Wage Foundation, is a voluntary savings target for employers who want to help workers, especially those on low pay, build up a pension pot that will provide enough income to meet basic everyday needs in retirement. It launched in March 2023. A Living Pension Employer must meet a pension savings target of 12% of a full time Living Wage worker’s salary, including a minimum 7% employer contribution. Clean for Good is providing an 8% employer contribution, asking employees to provide just 4%, delivering a dignified pension at a low cost to employees. The scheme is voluntary for employees, who can opt in if they wish to benefit. The Living Pension builds on auto-enrolment, which requires a minimum 8% pension savings, with employers contributing at least 3% and workers paying the remaining 5%. (The Living Pension savings target can also be met as a cash amount of £2,950 a year, to which the employer must contribute at least £1,720). The rise in Employer National Insurance contributions from April 2025 has undoubtedly increased the costs for business, especially for a ‘people-business’ like Clean for Good. Yet even in these challenging times, Clean for Good believes that continuing to invest in its people, through initiatives like the Living Pension, is the best way to improve its services to customers. Clean for Good pays the Living Wage, offers occupational Sick Pay and now a Living Pension because it believes that what is good for workers can be good for business. Charlie Walker, Clean for Good’s Managing Director said: “We want to provide our cleaners with a living wage both at work and into retirement. We believe cleaning, in and of itself, is a dignified job and career. So, if you choose to work with Clean for Good we want to honour that, to invest in you, and pay a fair wage both now and after you retire. This is the right thing to do” Katherine Chapman, Director of the Living Wage Foundation, said: “We are delighted that Clean for Good has signed up as a Living Pension employer, providing stability and security for their workers now and in the future. Over the last ten years the Living Wage campaign has grown in strength and numbers. Now paid by over 15,000 employers, it delivers essential pay rises to 460,000 workers every year. The Living Pension builds on this by encouraging employers like Clean for Good to do more to help their workers build a pension pot that meets basic everyday needs in retirement.” Christine Ellis, a cleaner employed at Clean for Good said: “I feel strongly that the Living Pension is a great way to build on my savings funds for retirement alongside the Living Wage standard scheme that has been put into great effect. With the contributions from my employer and me as the employee I could reach my target to live within an acceptable standard when retired."

20 Feb

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