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20 years, 7 social enterprises, £4 million turnover, 1 huge legacy.
After 20 years, at the end of March 2025, Richard Beard will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO, a leading Birmingham charity and family of seven sustainable social enterprises. JERICHO is an award-winning charity that provides supported work opportunities for people facing extreme challenges in getting a job. The organisation primarily supports marginalised young people and survivors of modern slavery. What is truly different about the JERICHO model is the combination of vital support and activities which are offered alongside supported work placements. The person-centred JERICHO approach helps reduce isolation, support recovery, promote inclusion and ultimately supports people to become more employable and transform their lives. JERICHO’s people are the key to success, and Richard learnt from the ground up. After a career in engineering, he joined the JERICHO staff team in October 2004 to lead a project training people with lived experience of substance misuse, homelessness or offending in construction skills. In 2005, he was appointed Deputy CEO and then taking on the role of Chief Executive in 2006. His aspiration was to scale and grow the charity, further develop the social impact and to increase the proportion of income that came from trading rather than grants. In Richard’s first year, JERICHO trading income was less than 10% of £420,000 annual income. As Richard steps away from JERICHO, group income is above £4 million with 80% trading income…. So, mission accomplished! Incoming Chief Executive, Katie Webb, says, “The work to create a fairer society doesn’t stop. There is still so much to do to help level the playing field and providing supported work placements for people who need them most must continue so we can help change lives and improve life chances. My aspiration for my term leading JERICHO is to build on Richard’s amazing legacy, continue innovating and to keep trying to build a fairer society.” “We are already developing new employability-focused projects and programmes that will help us support more people with barriers to entering the workforce. Going forwards, as well as focusing on training and supporting people to progress to roles in foundational sectors, we would love to create new supported work opportunities that equip and upskill people for the ‘jobs of tomorrow’ as well enable routes into mainstream work in key areas where we are already seeing labour shortages such as health and social care, childcare and manufacturing.” Richard’s contribution to the West Midlands regional social economy is not to be underestimated. In the November Social Economy Awards 2025, supported by West Midlands Combined Authority, he was shortlisted for Overall Contribution to the Social Economy (Individual) category. Under Richard’s stewardship, JERICHO employment outcomes currently range from 84% to 100% annually for people progressing into employment, education or other positive outcomes, and has generated £2million of added social value in 2023/24. Richard Beard says, “I’m truly delighted to be handing the Chief Executive baton onto an incredibly talented and capable successor who I’m confident will lead JERICHO to the next level.” “What am I proud of, aside from all those people who have been involved with JERICHO over the last 20 years, is that JERICHO is now known as leaders in the fields of supported employment and modern slavery.” Colin Marsh, Chair of Trustees, says, “Huge thanks to Richard for his many years of excellent service to JERICHO. I am looking forward to working with Katie Webb in the months ahead.” jericho.org.uk
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